1-2-3 Pancakes

pancakes clipart

Ready in less than half an hour

Makes 4 medium-large pancakes

These are called 1-2-3 pancakes as a mnemonic device — the essential secondary ingredients involve a ratio of 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of oil, and 3 teaspoons (i.e. another tablespoon) of baking powder.  It’s otherwise not difficult to remember that it involves 1 cup egg/milk (combined) plus 1 cup of flour.



  1. Crack egg into a glass measuring cup and beat with a fork thoroughly
  2. Mix in milk, then oil
  3. Using a separate bowl, mix together half your flour along with all sugar, salt, and baking powder
  4. Make sure your egg mixture is well-mixed* before adding dry mixture and your remaining flour
  5. Use a fork to mix batter briefly**
  6. Preheat a griddle to medium heat
  7. Pour ¼ of the batter mixture for each pancake, flipping after 1–2 minutes or when bubbles can be seen forming


Butter each cooked side after flipping and/or plating, if desired

* Oil separates easily, so act quickly

** Mix batter only as much as necessary to incorporate all ingredients